Endnote export


%T Evaluating and improving emotional intelligence among teachers: a case of schools in Duhfar Governate
%A Alhashemi, Suhaila E.
%J International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science
%N 5
%P 1-13
%V 4
%D 2018
%K Emotional Intelligence; Wang's Questionnaire; Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
%@ 2469-6501
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-57488-2
%U http://ijbassnet.com/storage/app/publications/5b0f0562b609811527711074.pdf
%X Emotional intelligence (EI) is being recognized to be a vital element in many schools today. Numerous research revealed schools that focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) had an increase in academic success, improved quality of teacher-student relationship and a decrease in problem behavior (Hagelskamp, Brackett, Rivers & Salovey, 201; Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor & Schellinger, 2011). Tuning into one's feelings and understanding others help to build and strengthen relationships in classrooms. 

This paper looks at the effect of training emotional intelligence in schools and the outcome of conducting such training on the performance of students as well as the school environment. The research covered 65 teachers in three major secondary girls’ schools in Dhufar Governate, making it the first study carried out in this field. The research adopted a deductive approach using a combination of questionnaires, observation as well as focus groups. The findings revealed a relationship between training emotional intelligence and the level of EI of the participants. As such EI training increased the level of EI for the participant's over’s a span of one academic year.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info