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@article{ Gębora2015,
 title = {Pedagogical values of renaissance travels},
 author = {Gębora, Agnieszka Katarzyna},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {49},
 pages = {185-191},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The time of the Renaissance created the new model of the man-humanist. European patterns stimulated to the cultural or educational development of different fields of the social life. A bloom of the education took place, a thirst for knowledge, an interest in learning, world, travels, getting new experiences. A man educated, being good at foreign languages, opened for changes was appreciated. Geographical discoveries and their effects forever changed the image of the earth. Sixteenth-century peregrinations contributed to the development of states, economic and civilization expansion, and the bloom of culture area. Pedagogic meaning of Renaissance journeys is indisputable. Experience from voyages all over world, extending ranges, the permeation of cultures, the learning of foreign languages, the increase in the knowledge, the development of learning, education and artistic fields bear fruit to this day in the global scale.},
 keywords = {Renaissance; Renaissance; Humanismus; humanism; Bildung; education; Entwicklung; development; Reise; travel; Wissen; knowledge; Erfahrung; experience; 16. Jahrhundert; sixteenth century; kulturelle Entwicklung; cultural development; Ausbildung; training; historische Entwicklung; historical development}}