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@article{ Yilmaz Güngör2018,
 title = {Fransizca yabanci dil öğrencileriyle deyim öğretimi üzerine bir uygulama},
 author = {Yilmaz Güngör, Zühre},
 journal = {The Journal of Kesit Academy},
 number = {8},
 pages = {98-122},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2149-9225},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this study, the primary aim is to research the efficiency of teaching idioms to the
1st grade students of French Language Teaching via context and dialogue writing
activities in small groups. Another aim is to form a general framework by researching the place of idioms, types of activities and how often they was used in the course boooks Alter Ego. This study is both quantitative and qualitative. The study
conducted in the 2015-2016 spring term, during the French Reading- II course and on
one group from the 1st grade (32 students) of the Programme in French Language Teaching. The pre-test/post-test model with one group used in the research.
With the students forming the experiment group, the most commonly used French
idioms will be taught by using context and dialogue writing activities with small
groups during the Reading courses for 6 weeks. Before the research, the group was
received a French Idiom Test consisting of 30 questions, prepared by the research- er.
The students’ answers to this test constitute the quantitative data of this study and
their analysis conducted via SPSS.},
 keywords = {Fremdsprachenunterricht; foreign language teaching; französische Sprache; French language}}