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@article{ Ayuba2015,
 title = {Religious values in an age of globalization and development in Nigeria},
 author = {Ayuba, Caxton and Yahaya, Cecilia Haruna},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {53},
 pages = {6-11},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This write-up attempts to review the role of Christian Religion Studies and values in an age of globalization and development. This is because the world is undergoing a turbulent experience of war, civil unrest, national and international conflict and crises situation. Using the expository and deductive reasoning, the paper has found out that only religion and particularly Christian Religious Studies and education can use the values in its kit to overcome these challenges. These can be done through the framework of dialogue, respect for the plurality of religious faiths and good leadership. It provides a theoretical framework of the concepts of religion and globalization. It examines how Christian religious values become global and identifies the common Christian values and using such as indexes of globalization and development. It finally draws conclusion.},
 keywords = {Nigeria; Nigeria; Afrika; Africa; Entwicklung; development; Globalisierung; globalization; Religion; religion; Wert; value; Christentum; Christianity}}