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@incollection{ Dunaetz2010,
 title = {Organizational Justice: Perceptions of Being Treated Fairly},
 author = {Dunaetz, David R.},
 editor = {Baker, Dwight P. and Hayward, Douglas},
 year = {2010},
 booktitle = {Serving Jesus with Integrity: Ethics and Accountability in Mission},
 pages = {197-221},
 series = {Evangelical Missiological Society series},
 volume = {18},
 address = {Pasadena, CA},
 publisher = {William Carey Library},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {When members of mission organizations perceive injustice within their organization, they work less effectively and attrition is more likely. This paper examines various types of 
organizational justice (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational) which need to be monitored and maximized to help mission organizations accomplish their goals.},
 keywords = {Missionar; missionary; Organisationen; organizations; Gerechtigkeit; justice; Ethik; ethics; Entscheidungsfindung; decision making; Fairness; fairness; Wahrnehmung; perception; Konfliktregelung; conflict management}}