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@article{ Rostaminejad2015,
 title = {Follow-up prediction of personality types A and B based on neo personality traits},
 author = {Rostaminejad, Shekofe and Mahmoudfakhe, Heman and Khademi, Ali},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {56},
 pages = {8-14},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The current paper was aimed at prediction of follow-up of personality types A and B based on Neo personality traits. Participants in the present article included 100 people referring to diet centers in Tankabon who were selected by simple random sampling method. Neo personality characteristics questionnaire and McCrae and Costa questionnaire (1985) and the Personality types A and B questionnaire by Burn Reuter were used. Findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between personality types A and B Scores and Neo personality characteristics components at the 0/05 level and the latter, i.e. Neo personality characteristics components would predict 65/8% of the personality types A and B variations. Also, results of variance analysis indicate significance of this prediction and from among the Neo personality characteristics components; the component of conscientiousness contributed most to prediction of personality types A and B.},
 keywords = {typology; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; personality traits; Typologie; Persönlichkeit; personality}}