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@article{ Crisostomo2015,
 title = {Evaluation of graduating students of the impact of graduate school education and services in Rizal Technological University},
 author = {Crisostomo, Leonila C. and de Guzman, Amelita L. and Asturias, Marilou C.},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {65},
 pages = {96-102},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The students are the reasons for the establishment of learning institutions which are the key factors to quality education. At present, the mission of the RTU-GS is to produce world-class professionals and leaders to meet the multifarious expectations and needs of society. Since 1977 up to presents, no one has ever conducted a research on graduate students' assessment of the Graduate School and its student services. It is in this end that the researchers brought about an exit interview to Graduate School graduating students.This study used the causal comparative design and had 80 respondents representing the RTU graduating students' population for school year 2012-2013. The respondents were described as to gender, age, GS course and number of year of degree completion.From the salient findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the GS graduating students are very satisfied with the personal impact of education, the development of their professional skill, and the personnel and various offices. The GS students suggest the fixed format on thesis writing, special lanes or windows for business transaction and the maintenance of good interpersonal relationship between school personnel and students. The overall rating of the GS students of the education is very satisfactory. Finally, there are significant differences in the assessment of GS students by personnel and offices.},
 keywords = {Bildung; education; Auswirkung; evaluation; Hochschule; survey; Student; student; training; university; Befragung; Ausbildung; impact; Absolvent; graduate; Bewertung}}