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@incollection{ Oltean2016,
 title = {The creation of the League of Nations},
 author = {Oltean, Anca},
 editor = {Brie, Mircea and Stoica, Alina and Chirodea, Florentina},
 year = {2016},
 booktitle = {The European Space: Borders and Issues (In honorem Professor Ioan Horga)},
 pages = {477-488},
 address = {Oradea},
 publisher = {Oradea Univ. Press},
 isbn = {978-606-10-1846-8},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper deals with the international context in which it was created the League of Nations and the approaches and actions achieved with the view of creating this organization. In order to reach this objective, I will analyze briefly the consequences imposed by the end of the First World War, the role played by the American president Woodrow Wilson in the promotion of the organization, the significance of peace treaties, especially of the signed at Paris-Versailles, in which it was included the Pact of the League of Nations. It has not be forgotten from our analysis a factor of major importance, namely the non-ratification by the Senate of United States of the Covenant of the League of Nations, fact that lead to the non-participation of United States to the newly created organization.},
 keywords = {Erster Weltkrieg; Ratifizierung; USA; League of Nations; peace treaty; First World War; ratification; Völkerbund; Friedensvertrag; United States of America}}