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@article{ Jena2015,
 title = {Education as a Moral Enterprise for Adolescents},
 author = {Jena, Prakash Chandra},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {59},
 pages = {104-108},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Identifying various problems of school going adolescents is a major challenge now-a-days. This paper focuses various educational problems of adolescents and how these problems cause for their moral degradation. For inculcating moral value among them curricular and co-curricular activities play a vital role. It is an attempt to suggest some educational activities taking into account the interest of adolescents that create a plat for all-round development of their personality and peace survival in the society.},
 keywords = {Adoleszenz; adolescence; Kind; child; Wertorientierung; value-orientation; moralische Erziehung; moral education; Verantwortungsethik; ethics of responsibility; Schule; school; Curriculum; curriculum; Indien; India}}