Endnote export


%T The Position of a King in Safavid Period
%A Koohshahee, Mohen Roozbeh
%J International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences
%N 61
%P 28-30
%D 2015
%K Allah; Holy; King; Position; Religious; Safavid
%@ 2300-2697
%X This article studies the position of the kings in the period of Safvid of Iranian Islamic History. The king in this period was considered as a holy figure. Indeed the king was considered and deemed as a great person encouraging a lot of respects. He was considered as the surrogate of prophet. Therefore he had a lot of unlimited powers and authorities. He was the symbol of excellence and raised the respect of anybody in the society. Since the Safavid dynasty itself was a religious one, based on the teaching of the twelve imams, it was important that the king be a religious person too. He is an emblem of God’s bounty among humanity, he is the inauguration and termination for generosity among all human beings.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
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