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@book{ Grönemann2018,
 title = {The relation of ideological self-placement and EU support in 2017: How does left-right placement structure support for the European Union in the EU28 and for which part of the political spectrum is it most controversial?},
 author = {Grönemann, Malte},
 year = {2018},
 pages = {23},
 address = {Köln},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The relation of left-right self-placement and EU support seems to have become more linear again in the previous years. After a rise of euroscepticism at both ends of the spectrum, the left has now become even more supportive than the center. The variance in attitudes towards the EU is, in contrast to expectations, higher on the right than on the left.},
 keywords = {EU; politische Linke; political ideology; Modellanalyse; politische Rechte; statistische Methode; statistical method; politische Einstellung; political right; political support; Eurobarometer; Eurobarometer; politische Unterstützung; europäische Integration; political attitude; model analysis; politische Ideologie; political left; European integration; EU}}