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@article{ Tsvetkova2018,
 title = {Compromise duality between mobile reading and stationary reading: an analysis of culture of the media nomadism},
 author = {Tsvetkova, Milena},
 journal = {Media education : Russian journal of history, theory and practice of media education},
 number = {1},
 pages = {159-167},
 volume = {56},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {1994-4195},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The research is an attempt to answer the question how far the mobility manages to preserve the cognitive and the social status of the reader and to minimize the negatives of the “technological” reading. Object of the research: the new phase in the changes of the reader’s practices that have occurred with the massive use of mobile communication devices. By the notion “mobile reading“ the author mark the perception of text from a portable or from a mobile digital device and with the notion “stationary reading“ – the perception of text from a fixed medium as a print media and as a desktop device. Purpose of the research: to prove that the mobility is the newest, natural and indestructible stage in the evolution of the reading, within the frames of which are passing mixed transformations, inherent as a whole to the „culture of the nomadism”. Methodology: there are used the methods of the analytic and synthetic processing of primary and secondary resources, the selective monographic method, analysis of combination of statistical data and information from a survey of the National Bulgarian Institute of Statistics for access and use of Internet and the results of two world researches – „Reading in the Mobile Era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries” of UNESCO and „Mobiles for Reading: A Landscape Review” of USAID and JBS. Hypothesis: the new format of the mobile reading (counterpoint of stationary reading) is not a random phenomenon, but a regular and cyclical metamorphosis in the evolution of the communications. Results: the analysis shows an approximately equal correlation between the positives and the negatives of the reading from mobile devices. The suggestion of the author is the reader’s behavior of the mobile citizen to be formed in „compromise duality” – the information, the data, the facts, the references can be assigned to „mobile” modalities, but the knowledge, the learning, the aesthetic delight of the text to be preserved in „stationary modality”.},