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@article{ Krasovska2016,
 title = {Quality assurance as the driver of institutional transformation of higher education in Ukraine},
 author = {Krasovska, Olena Yu.},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {66},
 pages = {61-66},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In the context of change of higher education in Ukraine, the issue of transformation of institutional relations and subjects of educational space has been put forward. The new paradigm of higher education is based on European values ​​and focused on the integration of Ukraine into the European Higher Educational Area. The transformation of higher education is influenced by many institutional factors. The processes of quality assurance as one of the drivers of institutional transformation of Ukrainian higher education system is researched. The preconditions of the institutional transformation of Ukrainian higher education is analyzed; new approaches and principles of quality assurance in the emerging new institutional environment of higher education and integration into the European educational space are defined in the article.},
 keywords = {Ukraine; Ukraine; Osteuropa; Eastern Europe; Hochschulbildung; university level of education; Transformation; transformation; Qualitätssicherung; quality assurance; institutionelle Faktoren; institutional factors; institutioneller Wandel; institutional change; europäische Integration; European integration}}