Endnote export


%T Formation of future philologists' professional competence in the aspect of axiological approach
%A Danylyuk, Serhiy
%J International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences
%N 66
%P 135-139
%D 2016
%@ 2300-2697
%X The formation of future philologists' professional competence in the aspect of axiological approach is studied in the paper. Taking into account axiological ideas, a set of cultural-and-humanistic educational functions are identified. Among them there are: development of spiritual strength, abilities and skills that enable a person to overcome life's obstacles; formation of character and moral responsibility; providing opportunities for personal and professional self-realization; mastering the means that are necessary to achieve intellectual and moral freedom; creating conditions for creative and spiritual growth of an individual. As far as humanistic aim of education is concerned, a number of problems is outlined. Among them there are: awareness of the intrinsic value of an individual as a carrier of high humanistic principles, its unique individuality and creative nature; recognition of the harmonious development of a personality as goal and the main purpose of a man; understanding of creative nature of activity, awareness of the need of spiritual costs and self-improvement for its implementation; development of humanitarian culture as a set of personality traits - the unity of the internal moral essence and external behavioral expression, subtle perception of beauty and ugliness in human relationships, empathy, sensitivity, expressiveness, optimism, kindness. Several approaches to the classification of educational values were suggested. Among them there are horizontal plane of existence of pedagogical values (values-goals, values-means, values-knowledge, values-relationships and values-qualities) and vertical plane of existence of pedagogical values (social-and-educational, vocational-and-group and individual-and-personal values), emphasizing the syncretic nature of these values.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
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