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@article{ De Langhe2018, title = {An Agent-Based Model of Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"}, author = {De Langhe, Rogier}, journal = {Historical Social Research}, number = {1}, pages = {28-47}, volume = {43}, year = {2018}, issn = {0172-6404}, doi = {}, urn = {}, abstract = {Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions is interpreted as the specification of an agent-based model. Kuhn described scientists as autonomous agents and an emergent pattern of evolving paradigms. The missing link in his account is then a mechanism by which this pattern self-organizes from the interactions of autonomous scientists without centralized control. This paper exploits advances in agent-based modeling and stigmergy to fill the missing link in Kuhn's account. A complete agent-based model of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions could lead to a better understanding of the contribution of the evolution of the social structure of science to its success.}, keywords = {paradigm change; Wissenschaft; Rationalität; Paradigmenwechsel; wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt; social system; scientific community; science; scientific revolution; scientific progress; Scientific Community; Paradigma; rationality; wissenschaftliche Revolution; soziales System; paradigm}}