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@article{ Herrera2005,
 title = {La causalidad mecanicista como fundamento de la politica en Hobbes},
 author = {Herrera, Maria Fernanda},
 journal = {Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review},
 number = {4},
 pages = {837-848},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2005},
 issn = {1582-4551},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The political theory of Thomas Hobbes consider that the social order started with three primaries states: natural state, social contract and civil state. This article tries to demonstrate that in order to better understand the political thinking of Hobbes we must take in consideration the materialist-mechanical principles of his ontology, because these explain the final aspects of human existence. The method used by Hobbes is descriptive-compositive which has as finality the knowledge of the whole reality by the meaning of discovering its origins. The establishment of civil order is based not only on the psychological premises of the people in the natural state, but also requires the support of a reality adapted to this state. In this sense the hobbesian determinism places the individual in a network of complex causal relations which oblige him to institute the social contract, which is needed by the functioning of the subject in the natural order.},
 keywords = {Philosophie; philosophy; politische Theorie; political theory}}