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@article{ Fatemi Bushehri2016,
 title = {The analysis of sacrificial rituals in Iran based on Avesta and Pahlavi texts},
 author = {Fatemi Bushehri, Leila and Ghalekhani, Golnar},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {73},
 pages = {29-41},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Sacrifice is a ritual with an antiquity as long as history in all the areas of human civilization and it is a guide for understanding the ancient ideology of all millennia. This study is an attempt to illustrate a general scheme of sacrifice and its generative thoughts throughout old cultural eras of Iran. This paper tries to identify sacrifice in Iran by considering every details mentioned in religious texts. Due to the fact that Iran has been a land of coexistence of different tribes and cultures in history, and that the Iranian religion is a combination of native Iranian tribes, Elamite, Indo-European, Magus and Mazdeism beliefs it seems impracticable to segregate rituals to specific nations and epochs. Nevertheless, single Gnosticism finds a very unique and distinct position in Iranian religion. This research aims not only to collect the viewpoints, examples and Iranian religion documents about sacrifice but to be a manifestation of the dynamics of Iranian thought.},
 keywords = {Literatur; Iran; cultural history; historische Entwicklung; Iran; victim; Literaturgeschichte; Opfer; Denken; thinking; historical development; Kulturgeschichte; Religion; literature; religion; literary history}}