

@incollection{ Nolte2015,
 title = {Land investments: a new type of territorial expansion},
 author = {Nolte, Kerstin and Ostermeier, Martin},
 editor = {Chemnitz, Christine and Weigelt, Jes and Bartz, Dietmar and Stockmar, Ellen and Mundy, Paul and Benning, Reinhild and Valentin, Ingo and Cornely, Bernd and Mahlke, Stefan and Schmidt-Landenberger, Elisabeth},
 year = {2015},
 booktitle = {Soil atlas 2015: facts and figures about earth, land and fields},
 pages = {38-39},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As foreigners snap up farmland around the world, it is hard to know who is investing in what, and what the effects on local people might be. An international database is throwing light on the murk.},
 keywords = {arable farming; forestry; Landnutzung; land utilization; land; Produktionsfaktor; Forstwirtschaft; Ackerbau; Boden; production factor}}