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@article{ Taliouris2018,
 title = {European Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility: Governance Context, Linkage with Sustainable development and Crisis as a Policy Factor},
 author = {Taliouris, Evangelos},
 journal = {European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities},
 number = {1},
 pages = {32-47},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2285-4916},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Political prerequisites for sustainable development (SD) in European Union (EU) and its member states are environmental innovation as well as transparency, social welfare, good governance and responsible entrepreneurship. The Europe 2020 Strategy and its indicators were a significant step in order EU, its member states and the social stakeholders to deal with crisis negative socioeconomic and environmental outcomes, but also to improve social trust. An important stakeholder towards these is European business sector. Therefore, responsible entrepreneurship via corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a policy topic in EU in parallel with other policy topics such as transparency (e.g. non-financial reporting) and good governance (e.g. political framework for CSR). The European business community was always a crucial stakeholder for development, but since 2001 CSR is explicitly part of European policy agenda through topics such as public procurement, responsible supply chains, anti-corruption policies, employment generation, reporting and disclosure etc. In EU the applied policy for CSR indicates different approaches and policy tools within the common policy framework and definitions. Moreover, the crisis evolution became an accelerator for CSR policy evolution and convergence between perspectives and member states. The renewed strategy in 2011, the report for CSR public policies in 2014 and the EU steps towards SD Agenda for 2030 in 2015 indicated issues such as corporate citizenship and responsible entrepreneurship as an ongoing policy process that focuses both on EU political convergence at member states level and the European business sector excellence},
 keywords = {policy implementation; entrepreneurship; EU; nachhaltige Entwicklung; Politikumsetzung; politische Strategie; historische Entwicklung; Unternehmertum; corporate social responibility; governance; Governance; historical development; Europapolitik; sustainable development; European Policy; Corporate Social Responsibility; EU; political strategy}}