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%T Europe's migration 'partnerships' with Africa need a new direction in 2017
%A Prediger, Sebastian
%A Zanker, Franzisca
%P 4
%D 2016
%K menschliche Verschiebung; globale Perspektiven
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-55557-7
%X 2016 was the deadliest year for migrants crossing the Mediterranean; more than 4,800 people died on their way to Europe, despite the fact that fewer attempted the journey than in previous years.
While European migration policies tend to be fragmented, there has been a shift to stepping up a "Fortress Europe" approach. But closing borders won't work in the long run.
Curbing illegal migration and sealing borders will not stop migration from occurring, but rather improve the business of traffickers and make migrants' journeys more dangerous.
A year ago, more than 60 heads of states and government met in Malta for the first summit between the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) solely dedicated to the topic of migration. Contrary to initial hopes, the Action Plan and Political Declaration that were agreed upon did not make a significant difference to previous EU policies on migration, which tend to be broad and vague.
The EU approach does not take account of the reality of migration, as we have recently pointed out. Nine out of ten international refugees remain in the Global South. And the main burden of the refugee crisis is not in Europe, but among the poorest countries in the world.
%C London
%G en
%9 Stellungnahme
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info