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@article{ Gustafson2017,
 title = {Language Use and Social Inclusion in International Retirement Migration},
 author = {Gustafson, Per and Laksfoss Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth},
 journal = {Social Inclusion},
 number = {4},
 pages = {69-77},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2183-2803},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The migration of older people in search for improved quality of life has become an important form of human mobility, and popular retirement destinations are often highly multilingual settings. This article explores language use and social inclusion in international retirement migration through a case study of Scandinavian retirees in the Alicante province in Spain. It examines the linguistic landscape they meet, their language use and their inclusion in their new home country. Interviews with retired migrants and key local individuals show that many migrants try to learn the host country language, but that these attempts are often not very successful. As a result, they frequently use either their native language or English for everyday communication. This article elaborates on three theoretical and political notions of inclusion - assimilation, multiculturalism and civic integration - and discusses how retired migrants’ language use can be interpreted in the light of these notions.},
 keywords = {Spanien; Spain; Rentner; retiree; Migration; migration; Mobilität; mobility; Lebensqualität; quality of life; Mehrsprachigkeit; multilingualism; Sprachkenntnisse; knowledge of languages; englische Sprache; English language; soziale Integration; social integration; Assimilation; assimilation; multikulturelle Gesellschaft; multicultural society}}