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@article{ Mey2017,
 title = {From Text to Image - Shaping a Visual Grounded Theory Methodology},
 author = {Mey, Günter and Dietrich, Marc},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {4},
 pages = {280-300},
 volume = {42},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Qualitative social and cultural research is increasingly engaging with visual data. Starting from the premise "all is data" in grounded theory methodology (GTM), we propose a general framework to realize a visual grounded theory methodology (VGTM). Referring to exploratory visual methods based on objective hermeneutics, the documentary method, and segment analysis, as well as existing GTM discourses, we discuss how this text-centered procedure can be applied to visual data. We focus on the (re)formulation of procedural steps (such as making an inventory, segmentation and coding, memo writing, and sampling strategies), and the examination of images in relation to GTM logic.},
 keywords = {Codierung; grounded theory; Objektivität; picture; Methodenforschung; Methodologie; Bild; analysis; objectivity; coding; visualization; Hermeneutik; social research; Sozialforschung; hermeneutics; methodological research; Daten; methodology; data; qualitative method; Grounded Theory; qualitative Methode; Visualisierung; interpretation; Analyse; Interpretation}}