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@book{ Movsesyan2015,
 title = {Heuristic Glance at the Fundamentals of General Psychology},
 author = {Movsesyan, Arsen A.},
 year = {2015},
 pages = {13},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the article are offered the models allowing deeper understand the essence of the concepts "will" and "attention", and to determine their possible types, which allows us to clear up the essence of the concept "faith". Proceeding from the principle of symmetry of the Laws of Nature and of some general physical representations, a heuristic glance at the fundamentals of General Psychology is proposed, which allows us to discern interrelations between the basic concepts of General Psychology, and thereby systematizing them. In doing so the author does not attempt to reduce complex psychical processes to mechanical schemes, and at all not concerned these processes, but the real unity of the foundation of science as a whole concerning to the General Psychology is trying to show.},
 keywords = {Heuristik; heuristics; Willensfreiheit; freedom of will; Aufmerksamkeit; attention; Glaube; faith; Modellentwicklung; model construction}}