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@article{ Sales2013,
 title = {Nursing care according to the Orem's theory: care for a patient with bipolar affective disorder},
 author = {Sales, Diane Sousa and Oliveira, Eliany Nazaré and Brito, Maria da Conceição Coelho and Rodrigues, Thamy Braga and Souza, Ângela Maria Alves e},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {3},
 pages = {311-317},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: Analyze the systematization of nursing care (SNC) provided to an elderly woman with bipolar affective disorder (BAD), having the precepts of Orem’s Self-Care Theory as a basis. Methods: During home care, one conducted ten home visits to patients, in order to prepare a care plan directly involving the family. In this context, one evaluated the family and the patient, through the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM), and care procedures were planned using SNC. Results: One found out that the patient understands the importance of her family for her care and that, although there're discussions, the affection bond is strong, and one observes the need for including more conversations in daily life. Conclusion: One understands the importance of interventions along with the patient and the family, in order to minimize the effects of disease in their relationships. Besides, it's a fact that elderly people with BAD often have different treatment needs when compared to young individuals.},
 keywords = {alter Mensch; elderly; Krankenpflege; nursing; Familie; family; Familienpflege; domestic assistance; chronische Krankheit; chronic illness; psychische Krankheit; mental illness; soziale Beziehungen; social relations; Bedürfnis; need}}