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@article{ Liu2017,
 title = {Does name order still matter for candidates in a presidential primary poll in the US? Lack of response order effect in a web survey experiment},
 author = {Liu, Mingnan},
 journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field},
 pages = {4},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2296-4754},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {During elections, political polls provide critical data for the support each candidate receives. For that reason, the measurement of questions
asking about candidate support has been receiving some research attention. As the online survey is increasingly becoming a widely used tool for
public opinion and election polls, evaluation of the measurement error associated with this survey mode is of importance. This study examines
whether a candidate name order effect exists in presidential primary election surveys in the US. The findings show that contrary to previous
studies the order of names does not have a significant impact on the support candidates received.},
 keywords = {USA; United States of America; Präsidentschaftswahl; presidential election; Online-Befragung; online survey; Messung; measurement; Name; name; Antwortverhalten; response behavior; Umfrageforschung; survey research; Kandidatur; candidacy; Wahlkampf; election campaign; Experiment; experiment}}