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@book{ Koenig2017,
 title = {Managing Policy: Executive Agencies of the European Commission},
 author = {Koenig, Thomas},
 year = {2017},
 series = {Reihe Politikwissenschaft / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Politikwissenschaft},
 pages = {33},
 volume = {146},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 issn = {1605-8003},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'Agencification' in the European Union has emerged as as important reseach topic at the intersection between political science and organizational studies. This
Working Paper focuses on a group of six agencies under the wings of the European Commission that is often overlooked in the literature, despite the fact that these agencies are now set up for more than a decade, and despite the fact that their
portfolio is growing. It sheds light on the historical context of their establishment and
their legal foundation, looks at their organizational structure, and investigates the
fields of action in which they are tasked to operate.},
 keywords = {Europäische Kommission; European Commission; Rechtsgrundlage; legal basis; Organisationsstruktur; organizational structure; europäische Integration; European integration; politische Faktoren; political factors; institutionelle Faktoren; institutional factors; europäische Institution; European institution; Regulierungsbehörde; regulatory authority; EU; EU; öffentlicher Haushalt; public budget}}