

@article{ Sarma2017,
 title = {India-Georgia Relationship: A Window of Opportunity},
 author = {Sarma, Hriday and Khutsishvili, Levan},
 journal = {IndraStra Global},
 number = {11},
 pages = {5},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2381-3652},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {India and Georgia, representing two ancient surviving civilizations in the world, are not located far away from within Asia. The two nations had deep linkages in the past; however, they mostly remained disconnected over the past few centuries for various reasons. In recent years, they are experiencing a steady rise in people-to-people engagement, especially in trade. Considering the changing global geopolitical realities and increasing avenues of Europe-Asia trade, India urgently needs to revive and rebuild its historic ties with Georgia to meet its national interests in the 21st century. Georgia could be a ‘Gateway to Europe’ for India.},