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@article{ Brito2014,
 title = {Knowledge of health professionals about the distribution of pasteurized human milk},
 author = {Brito, Rosineide Santana de and Mello, Talita Cavalcante de Araújo and Santos, Danyelle Leonette Araújo dos and Lima, Aline Ribeiro de and Nóbrega, Edualeide Jeane Pereira Bulhões da},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {1},
 pages = {261-270},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: To verify the knowledge of the health team who works in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and / or collective rooming, on the request of pasteurized human milk. Method: an exploratory and a descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, developed in a maternity school, located in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data were collected between May and August 2010, along with 55 professionals, using questionnaires and information obtained were treated with descriptive statistics. Results: the majority of the subjects consisted of women, nursing techniques, aged between 30 and 49. On the need of the infant receiving human milk pasteurized, there is ignorance on the part of professionals, who reported being necessary to request this food for babies of women with little or no colostrum. Conclusion: it is imperative to promote permanent strategies for continuing education among professionals about the functioning of the Human Milk Bank, especially on the distribution of pasteurized human milk.},
 keywords = {Gesundheitspersonal; health professionals; Ernährung; nutrition; Säugling; baby; Mutterschaft; motherhood; Brasilien; Brazil; Lateinamerika; Latin America; Südamerika; South America}}