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@article{ Cen2014,
 title = {The Cultural Recreation of the Traditional Working and Living Appliances in Tibetan and Qiang Culture},
 author = {Cen, Hua and Ma, Chuan Dong},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {16},
 pages = {87-91},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Confronting the contradiction of the global trend of cultural homogenization and the appeals for the independence of national culture, this paper put forwards the new design concept of “Green Humanity”. Guided by the “green humanity” philosophy, our research on the living and working appliances typical of Tibetan and Qiang people, and on the practice of the localization strategy of cultural recreation of Tibetan and Qiang culture would make our national culture more and more prosperous. It is a conscious measure to make use of design strategy, but for the local people who use the improved appliances, the process of “using” would be an unconscious heritage of culture, a process of evolution in a quiet way more beneficial to the natural heritage of culture.},