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@article{ Manolea2014,
 title = {Communication Bridges between Religion And Science: Route Saint Augustine - Blaise Pascal},
 author = {Manolea, Daniela},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {17},
 pages = {55-59},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This study examines the flow of ideas that led to the final separation of religion and science. The research found that route, which occurred this segregation has the obligatory points of passage in Saint Augustine and Blaise Pascal. Decisively, the two contribute to the gradual release of pressing close personal ego exercised by universal self. Science and religion separation begins with the right human desire to be free, with the idea of freedom. The Pascalian "I" is actually a human presence in the center of discourse. Saint Augustine, nor Pascal does not apply "generally to man". They know that always the faith comes to a person in his singularity and his historical context.},
 keywords = {Wissenschaft; freedom; Freiheit; Religion; science; religion; Diskurs; discourse}}