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@article{ Thaller2017,
 title = {The Need for Standards: Data Modelling and Exchange [1991]},
 author = {Thaller, Manfred},
 journal = {Historical Social Research, Supplement},
 number = {29},
 pages = {203-220},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {0936-6784},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {When discussing standardization and secondary analysis in computer driven historical research, we should clearly distinguish between different approaches towards the usage of computers. The properties of four of them – statistical analysis, structured data bases, full text systems and annotation systems – are discussed and compared in some detail. Standards which want to convince users, that they should follow just one of these approaches will not succeed. What we need is a discussion of the communalities between the underlying information models and the identification of properties, for which clear conceptual models can be devised. Such clear conceptual models are a prerequisite for technical solutions, which ultimately can enable the exchange of data across the different approaches. Such conceptual models, therefore, are what we need as standards.},
 keywords = {statistical analysis; statistische Analyse; standardization (techn.); data bank; Geschichtswissenschaft; computer; information retrieval; Datenaustausch; Datenverarbeitung; Informationssystem; historical social research; data exchange; historische Sozialforschung; science of history; Normierung; Computer; information system; Datenbank; Standardisierung; standardization (meth.); information retrieval; data processing}}