

@article{ Lima2015,
 title = {Look the nurse about the spirituality in care production},
 author = {Lima, Maria do Rosário de Araújo and Nunes, Maria Luísa de Almeida and Ouro, Ana Cristina Correia and Klüppel, Berta Lúcia Pinheiro and Sá, Lenilde Duarte de},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {Supl.},
 pages = {155-162},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: This article discusses a research field, developed in 2012, with the primary care nurses in the city of Conde, Paraíba state, where the population declares 69% area brown and black and 2% are indigenous and yellow. Method: It was used the method of Oral History Theme. Results: As result, it was obtained four trends in approaches to spirituality, from the nurses' view: the theological kind, based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, was predominant. Following up with the streamlined/lay; the energetic kind and the liberating perspective. Conclusion: it is considered necessary to move forward with discussions about spirituality and related content, to clarify the meanings, implications and subjectivity contained in the care of the human process, regardless of the ethnic group to which they belong, the religion professed and the no option for formal religion. It is spirituality, not religion, that makes up the alternative of a new civilizational paradigm.},
 keywords = {Spiritualität; spirituality; Religion; religion; Pflege; caregiving; Krankenpflege; nursing; Ethnologie; ethnology; Krankenschwester; nurse; Grundversorgung; basic supply; Gesundheitsversorgung; health care; Brasilien; Brazil; Lateinamerika; Latin America; Südamerika; South America}}