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@article{ Ukeli2014,
 title = {Perceived Roles and Function of School Psychologists by College of Education Students},
 author = {Ukeli, Victor Tavershima and Akem, Akor Isaiah},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {15},
 pages = {49-59},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The purpose of this study was to examine College of Education students’ perceptions of school psychologist’s roles and functions. Participants were 200 (164) students in College of Education, Katsina-Ala. A questionnaire was employed to collect the data. It was found that college students majoring in secondary education rated all roles/functions as significantly more important than those majoring in primary education (p < .05). Students majoring in secondary education and those majoring in primary education differed significantly in their expectation on who they thought should serve the various roles and functions of a school psychologist if a school psychologist is not available. NCE 2 rated all of the roles/functions significantly higher than did NCE 1 (p < .05). However, NCE 1 and NCE 2 did not differ significantly (p > .01) on who they thought should perform the various roles and functions of an unavailable school psychologist. Implications of the findings were also presented in this article.},
 keywords = {Student; student; Pädagogik; pedagogics; Erwartung; expectation; Schulpsychologe; school psychologist; pädagogische Psychologie; educational psychology; Lehrplan; syllabus; Curriculum; curriculum; Nigeria; Nigeria; Westafrika; West Africa}}