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@article{ Silva2015,
 title = {Relationship between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and academic performance of nursing graduates of a public university},
 author = {Silva, Maria Fernanda Rocha da and Gomes, Anna Luiza Castro and Silva, Leandro Roque da and Braga, João Euclides Fernandes and Silva, Edriene Ferreira da and Almeida, Evandro Batista de},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {Supl.},
 pages = {18-27},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objectives: researching the alcohol consumption pattern of nursing students at the Paraiba Federal University (UFPB) and the possible consequences on academic life. Method: use of a questionnaire about alcohol consume and situations resulting from the consume of alcohol applied to 216 students in the year 2013. Results: the prevalence of alcohol consume between nursing students at UFPB is 61,57%. Main academic consequences were: missing or arriving late at classes and internships, difficulties to stay focused or paying attention in class, as well as sleeping during the class. Conclusion: it has been concluded that some consequences of alcohol consume can influence the academic performance negatively. Including the physical and behavioral consequences of alcohol, more results would have been found.},
 keywords = {Alkoholkonsum; alcohol consumption; Pflegeperson; caregiver; Student; student; Universität; university; gesundheitliche Folgen; health consequences; psychische Gesundheit; mental health; Brasilien; Brazil; Südamerika; South America}}