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@article{ Brito2016,
 title = {Modelagem e otimização de fluxo em uma rede real conectada},
 author = {Brito, George Lauro Ribeiro de and Motta, Cézanne Alves Mendes},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {esp.},
 pages = {99-104},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In  this  work,  we  approached  the  maximum  flow  problem  from  the  graph  theory  perspective  with  the  goal  of providing  a  software  implementation  of  an  algorithmic  solution  to  the  problem  for  later  use  in  optimization  of network  design  and  IP  routing.  Initially,we  bring  context  and  definition  to  the  problem.  Next,  we  present  the studied algorithms, the methodology and the executed experiments. We coded two solutions to this problem from the  literature:  The  Ford-Fulkerson  algorithm  and  the  Edmonds-Karp  algorithm.A  system  in  the  form  of  a  fiber optic  network  was  modeled  as  a  graph  and  the  algorithms  were  applied  to  the  model  as  proof  of  concept.Additionally, to empirically evaluate the algorithms’ correctness and performance, we made a random graph base with varying sizes and edge densities and ran the algorithms on those. The comparison of the results show that the Edmonds-Karp algorithm has greater performance.},