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@article{ Marinho Ferreira2016,
 title = {Gênero e trabalho das mulheres pescadoras dos reassentamentos rurais no extremo norte do Tocantins},
 author = {Marinho Ferreira, Magna and Parente, Temis Gomes},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {esp.},
 pages = {30-33},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This work aims to study gender issues and work of fisherwomen of rural settlements in the north of Tocantins, created with the construction of the Estreito Hydroelectric , Tocantins border with Maranhão. The study analyzes the professional activity of fisherwomen impacted by the construction of the plant and looking to understand gender issues experienced by this population when it comes to fishing. Through the stories of women and men was revealed that despite having the portfolio of professional fishers, in the words of the surveyed it is a reinforcement of gender roles.},