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@article{ Santos2017,
 title = {Team meeting: proposal for the work process organization},
 author = {Santos, Elitiele Ortiz dos and Coimbra, Valéria Cristina Christello and Kantorski, Luciane Prado and Pinho, Leandro Barbosa de and Andrade, Ana Paula Müller de and Eslabão, Adriane Domingues},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {3},
 pages = {606-613},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: The study aims to understand the perceptions of workers of a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) on
staff meetings. Methods: Study of qualitative approach, using the methodological theoretical evaluation of the
fourth generation. The data were collected in a Santa Catarina’s CAPS in 2006, 2011 and 2014 through semistructured
interviews, field observations and data recycling groups. Results: The daily frequency of spaces of
team meetings enables a process of interaction in which knowledge and information is shared, and the group
democratically decides the necessary referrals and plan together the next actions taking co-responsibilities over
safety in the work process. Conclusion: Team meetings are considered a strategic space for workers to organize
the work process.},
 keywords = {Dienstleistungseinrichtung; service provider; Gesundheitsdienst; public health services; Gesundheitsversorgung; health care; Arbeitsorganisation; work organization; Teamarbeit; teamwork; Arbeitsprozess; working process; Professionalisierung; professionalization; Brasilien; Brazil; Südamerika; South America}}