

@article{ Suanno2014,
 title = {Ações pedagógicas transdisciplinares desenvolvidas no Colégio Logosófico de Goiânia},
 author = {Suanno, João Henrique},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {1},
 pages = {174-187},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This research on post-doctoral training is themed actions and transdisciplinary teaching strategies that are developed in the College Logosophical of Goiânia. From the moment that this school does not have the basic presupposition of the theory of transdisciplinarity, it is interesting to research by the fact that the actions and used teaching strategies, based on the Logosophical Pedagogy, based on Logosophy recommended by the Argentine philosopher Carlos Eduardo González Pecotche are compatible with this theory, expressed in the actions of teachers and the school management, and strategic shares present in the planning done together and on a daily basis with students. The theoretical contribution is based on Moraes (1997, 2004, 2008), Pecotche (2008), Ausubel (1982); Morin (2007a), MVRSuanno (2013, 2014), & Violant tower (2006a) and JHSuanno (2013, 2014). The goal is to identify the pedagogical actions and transdisciplinary attitudes built by Logosophical College faculty in Goiânia that contribute to the development of students as individuals with human, social and environmental responsibility. This goal stems from the need to know the disciplinary pedagogical actions developed in the College Logosophical of Goiânia.},