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@article{ Teles2017,
 title = {Uma análise crítica do Direito sob uma perspectiva jusfilosófica},
 author = {Teles, Tayson Ribeiro},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {2},
 pages = {83-95},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {With  the  words  written  here,  we  have  the  desire  to  reflect  on  what  is  Law,  the  so-called  "Juridical  Science". Observing  that  in  the  world  "legal  reason  is  posited  as  a  reason  without  a  body,  or,  if  we  wish  as  a  narcissistic reason, insofar as it is the mirror-object body of itself" (SATIE, 2010, 637), our view of the Law has here a critical philosophical-sociological bias. We criticize the Law based on comments about what we believe to be the two main typologies of men that currently exist in our social environment: the "law man" and the "man of law." This is the legal professional and that is the common man, the one who declares himself faithful to obey the laws. The results of the bibliographical research on the subject reveal that the Law is not well the Science fomenting social peace, but only another ideological instrument responsible for controlling people, with the discriminating of being a state element, cogent, obligatory for all.},