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@article{ Xavier2017,
 title = {O médico veterinário na atenção básica à saúde},
 author = {Xavier, Daniele Rosa and Nascimento, Guilherme N. L. do},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {2},
 pages = {28-34},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Considering the role of the veterinarian in public health activities, and their inclusion in multidisciplinary teams from  the  Family  Health Center,  this  research  aimed  to  present  the  challenges  of this  health  professional  and  his role and importance in this area. For preparation of this paper, we conducted a bibliographic study on the subject in  question.  The  broad  professional  field  comprises  from  management  and  health  planning  to  the  more traditionally  known  epidemiological  surveillanceand  environmental  health. They  act  even  in  prevention,  control and eradication of diseases transmitted by several factors, among which include: food-borne, parasitic, infectious, among  others.  Thus,  the  strategic  role  of  the  veterinarian  in  the  prevention  and  control  of  diseases  should  be constant  enough  to  allow  the  sharing  of  experiences  among  other  health  professionals in  order  to  safeguard  the lives of animals and especially of the human population.},