Endnote export


%T Espécies vegetais tóxicas da família Euphorbiacea: uma análise sobre a distribuição e os casos de intoxicação registrados em Araguaína, TO
%A Scareli-Santos, Claudia
%A Machado da Silva, Suely
%A Lopes Oliveira Lima, Jéssica Nayara
%A Carvalho Lima, Helayne
%A Parente, Thainara Monteiro
%A Silva Almeida, Jacqueline
%J Revista Desafios
%N 1
%P 95-103
%V 4
%D 2017
%K Euphorbia milii; Jatropha curcas; Tocantins
%@ 2359-3652
%X The present study aimed to conduct a census of toxic species in the family Euphorbiaceae present in Araguaína, TO and  assess  the  number  locations  of  poisoning  cases  by  toxic  plants.  The  survey  was  conducted  in  35  randomly selected neighborhoods. Of these 35 sectors found in 77.14 % Jatropha curcasand 22.86% Euphorbia milii. The three sectors where more individuals of J. curcas, in Loteamento Jorge Martins were found (51.8%), São Miguel (55.5%) and Céu Azul (70.37%). The values of E. miliiwere in m2, greater occurrence of this species in Manoel da Cunha (2.05 m2) and Palmas sector (0.05m2). In period  2009 -2015 were 37 cases of poisoning, 30 of these cases are  city  dwellers  of  Araguaína,  these  kinds J.curcaswas  responsible  for  53.33%  of  poisoning,  other  cases  was caused by Dieffenbachia picta(10%), 36.66% the cause of the poisoning species was not identified. The majority of the cases registered (96.29%) is associated with children aged from one to 10 years old. The results may help in the  preparation  of informative  material  about  the  poisoning  cases,  as  well  as  species  related  with  the  highest occurrence, alerting the population about the dangers of eating poisonous plants.
%G pt
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info