Endnote export


%T Viabilidade econômica do uso de aerador para o cultivo semi-intensivo de Tambaqui em tanques escavados
%A Da Silva de Souza, Eliasmar
%A Bianchini Pontuschka, Rute
%A Garcez Costa Sousa, Raniere
%J Revista Desafios
%N 1
%P 50-61
%V 4
%D 2017
%K Aerator fountain; Colossoma macropomum; Production cost; Limnology variables
%@ 2359-3652
%X The increase in the market for fish motivated the fish industry to intensify its demand, inserting sophisticated equipment in the production systems. But little is known about the real cost of tambaquis producing with the use of these technologies. Therefore, were evaluated the economic viability of semi-intensive cultivation of tambaqui in two tanks, T1 (without aerator) and T2 (with aerator), in each tanks was inserted 275 fish (≈ 40 g), that were monitored weekly during a year, for biometric collections (weight and furcal length), realized concomitant with limnological samplings. The data shows that only dissolved oxygen (≈7.79 and ≈8.30) and total ammonia (≈0.27 and ≈0.16) differed between the tanks, respectively. In the economic analysis, the Operational Cost of Production (OCP) was used, which for the T1 was R$ 1,803.35 (dry fishmeal), while in T2 it was R$ 3,552.94 (dry fishmeal + electricity). The zootechnical variables of the tambaquis groups did not differ significantly, resulting in final biomass of 467.67 kg (T1) and 458.15 kg (T2), with an income budge of R$ 2,338.35 and R$ 2,290.75 respectively. The T1 had a gain of 22.87%, while the T2 had a deficit of -55.09%. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of aerator for the semi-intensive cultivation of tambaqui in excavated tanks was not economically achievable in the evaluated period, indicating that the continuity of the activity would not bring financial return.
%G pt
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info