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@book{ Orr2008,
 title = {Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe: Synopsis of indicators. Final Report. Eurostudent III 2005-2008},
 author = {Orr, Dominic and Schnitzer, Klaus and Frackmann, Edgar},
 year = {2008},
 pages = {190},
 address = {Bielefeld},
 publisher = {W. Bertelsmann Verlag},
 isbn = {978-3-7639-4620-4},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The EUROSTUDENT report is based on a unique dataset covering more than 120,000 students in 23 European countries. The surveyed students provided information on the social and economic conditions of their life. In essence, the EUROSTUDENT dataset describes a biography from entrance into a higher education system, to study conditions during studies, and finally to exit from the higher education system. Additionally, it covers temporary international mobility. The analysis offers the chance to review common practices and their effectiveness in the light of European trends and with the insight that alternatives are possible and, in some cases, actually being practiced by neighbouring countries.},
 keywords = {study conditions; demographic factors; Hochschulbildung; expenditures; Hochschulzugang; university admission; Zeitbudget; Bologna-Prozess; foreign countries; Europa; Mobilität; Zugangsvoraussetzung; Bologna Process; Ausland; mobility; studies (academic); housing conditions; Europe; Ausgaben; income; socioeconomic position; student body; Studentenschaft; time budget; international comparison; Studium; Lebensbedingungen; Einkommen; internationaler Vergleich; living conditions; sozioökonomische Lage; university policy; Wohnverhältnisse; Hochschulpolitik; demographische Faktoren; university level of education; Studienbedingung; entrance requirements}}