Endnote export


%T To what extent have the domestic objectives of the Al-Fatah Revolution and the Third Universal Theory been implemented in Libya since 1969?
%A Caspell, James
%P 38
%D 2006
%K Gaddafi; Qaddafi; Democracy; Al-Fatah Revolution; Third Universal Theory
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-52842-8
%X Libya is an often ignored but highly important case for political scientists and theorists to analyse when studying concepts such as decolonisation, democratisation and socialism in practice.  Harbouring a distinct political ideology - a theoretical hybrid of Arab nationalism, socialism and communism - Libya can be seen to provide a seemingly unique form of government, both in theory and practice.  Rather than compare Libya with other states based on path-dependent normative criteria, this essay will identify the objectives of the Free Officer Movement in overthrowing the Libyan monarchy in 1969 and theories that followed, evaluating the extent to which these ‘aspirations’ were achieved.  In this sense, the essay will evaluate the extent to which there was any measurable practical application of the ideology behind the Al-Fatah Revolution and Third Universal Theory, ascertaining whether it is any more than an ideological mirage to hide a conventional dictatorship, as is often the popular perception.
%C London
%G en
%9 research report
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info