Bibtex export


@book{ Platter2011,
 title = {Erste Überlegungen zu einem Lobbyistenregister in Brandenburg},
 author = {Platter, Julia},
 year = {2011},
 series = {Wahlperiode Brandenburg},
 pages = {38},
 volume = {5/48},
 address = {Potsdam},
 publisher = {Landtag Brandenburg, Parlamentarischer Beratungsdienst},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Bundesland; Bundesland; Brandenburg; Brandenburg; Lobby; lobby; Bundesregierung; Federal Government; EU; EU; Verband; interest group; Landesregierung; Bundesland government; Landtag; Landtag; politische Willensbildung; formulation of political objectives; Grundrecht; fundamental right; Regelung; regulation; Recht; law; Interessenvertretung; representation of interests}}