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@article{ Barashkov2016,
 title = {Аналоговые формы гражданского общества (на примере стран исламского ареала)},
 author = {Barashkov, Grigoriy},
 journal = {Science Journal of Volgograd State University: History - Area Studies - International Relations},
 number = {4},
 pages = {135-142},
 volume = {21},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1998-9938},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The article deals with the analogue forms of civil society in the Islamic countries of the South. The author analyzes the formation and development of the civil society in this region of the world, its specifics and peculiarities. The author also shows that burgeoning civil society models of non-western area have their own specific features, which are determined by a unique way of civilizational development and by significant impact of the religious factor. The present research brings up a methodological novation – an analogous civil society. According to this novation, the developing political system (which takes part in civilizational competition with other systems and tries to use their historical experience and accumulated resources explicitly, for example, by attracting ideas, technologies, investments, or implicitly – by creating the same resources through modernization and social mobilization) does not imply an organic link between ideologically reflected meaning of this system’s existence, the forms of such existence, and the main institutions’ functionality. Moreover, this smoothness is not very important and desirable for the analogue system or its components. The meaning of such system’s existence is using the forms, principles, mechanisms, elaborated through historical development of social and political systems for their own specific purposes, for the sake of diametrically opposed goals that sometimes are not very detailed.},