

@article{ Kahk1985,
 title = {Typological-regional differences in the development of productive forces and demographic processes in the course of the transformation of European society},
 author = {Kahk, Juhan},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {11-24},
 volume = {10},
 year = {1985},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The transition process from feudalist to capitalist
(from dominantly agrarian to dominantly industrial)
society developed differently and at a different time in
different regions of Europe. The nature of these processes
was influenced by the type of the social relations and by
the results of the socio-political (revolutionary or by
the way of reforms) changes taking place in different ways
in different European states. The nature of agricultural
development depended on the nature of the economic activity
of great landlords and peasantry and on the nature of
their mutual relations. The following types of social
structure and development can be distinguished in Europe
in 18-19th centuries: 1. capitalist farmers - hired workers
(England-Northern France), 2. aristocracy - peasant
smallholders (Mediterranian, Central Europe), 3. great
landowners - free peasant landowners - landless peasantry
and hired workers (Scandinavia), 4. the "Junker" type
entrepreneur landlord - dependent peasant smallholders -
landless peasantry and hired workers (Eastern Europe).},
 keywords = {landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung; historische Entwicklung; historical development; capitalism; Kapitalismus; Feudalismus; agricultural development; population; Bevölkerung; feudalism}}