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@article{ Vogt2010,
 title = {Social capital in Japan's aging society},
 author = {Vogt, Gabriele},
 journal = {REPORT - Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung},
 number = {3},
 pages = {33-42},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {0177-4166},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Japan's population is aging and shrinking at unprecedented speed. One central issue that emerges in the ongoing discourse on how to meet the manifold demographic challenges Japan faces, deals with the central role the nation's senior citizens can take on when it comes to providing and fostering social capital. The concept of lifelong learning in this context has been established as a central means of being engaged in actively shaping the future of Japan.},
 keywords = {Japan; Japan; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; population development; demographische Alterung; demographic aging; Bevölkerungsverluste; population decrease; alter Mensch; elderly; Sozialkapital; social capital; lebenslanges Lernen; lifelong learning; Ostasien; Far East}}