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@book{ Neyestani2017,
 title = {Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control: The Appropriate Techniques for Solving Quality Problems in the Organizations},
 author = {Neyestani, Behnam},
 year = {2017},
 pages = {10},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa was first total quality management guru, who has been associated with the development and advocacy of using the seven quality control (QC) tools in the organizations for problem solving and process improvements. Seven old quality control tools are a set of the QC tools that can be used for improving the performance of the production processes, from the first step of producing a product or service to the last stage of production. So, the general purpose of this paper was to introduce these 7 QC tools. This study found that these tools have the significant roles to monitor, obtain, analyze data for detecting and solving the problems of production processes, in order to facilitate the achievement of performance excellence in the organizations.},
 keywords = {Qualitätssicherung; quality assurance; Management; management; Produktionsprozess; production process; Effizienz; efficiency; Kostensenkung; cost reduction}}