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@article{ Kropinova2014,
 title = {Kaliningrad architectural landscape as a tourist attraction},
 author = {Kropinova, Elena G. and Kropinova, Kristina},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {4},
 pages = {79-92},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The authors consider the development of urban tourism as one of the factors behind the socioeconomic development of a territory. They give estimates for tourism revenues associated with the emergence of a new attraction and its inclusion into travel itineraries and landmark maps. The authors look at the experience of development of historical European towns from the perspective of tourist attractiveness and explore the role of architectural landscape in creating a positive image of a town for tourists; they also provide a background for including historical and cultural landmarks into a traveller's experience. The authors analyse the results of the international urban development competition for the best concept of the historical area of the centre of Kaliningrad Korolevskaya Gora and Its Surroundings/The Heart of the City. Further, they come up with recommendations on using the most interesting proposals of the contestants from the perspective of tourist attractiveness and identify the possibilities for the development of new architectural landscapes.},
 keywords = {zone; town planning; Tourismus; Raum; Organisation; organization; Russland; Architektur; Ökonomie; urban development; Wettbewerb; Stadt; competition; Russia; town; Städtebau; tourism; Stadtentwicklung; economy; architecture}}